Players currently playing (real-time statistics, counted since ver. 61.
Selected period (click to change):

Number of unique players per country:

Number of players per country

Number of countries where Unofficial Patch 1.5 & 1.6 was used yesterday: 72

Launch and stability statistics:

Total time which all players together spent in game:
~0 years, 1 months, 21 days, 13 hours, 56 minutes, 21 seconds.

Players Operating Systems and Unofficial Patch Minor Versions

Total = 1044 - a number of times EE2 and EE2: AOS was launched using the Launcher.
EE2 = 474 - a number of times Empire Earth 2 was launched using the Launcher.
AOS = 570 - a number of times Empire Earth 2: The Art of Supremacy was launched using the Launcher.
Unique = 596 - a number of unique players who played (1 player is counted only 1 time per day).
Crash = 19 - a number of times the game crashed (Unhandled Exception).

Average and Maximum Number of Players in-game:

Operating Systems and Unofficial Patch Minor Versions:

* Every player is counted only 1 time per day, so the score is very reliable.

Multiplayer statistics:

For the new Multiplayer Lobby statistics, please click here.

About the Statistics System:

Unofficial Version 1.6 Usage Statistics are automatically sent to the EE2.EU server, when Empire Earth 2 is starting. At any time you can disable the statistics system. For information how to disable the statistics system, please read: "How to configure Unofficial Patch 1.6?" and in the UP1.6 Settings uncheck option: "Help to improve the patch by sending anonymous usage statistics".

UP1.6 Statistics are collected according to Unofficial Patch 1.5 Act (click to read more).

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